Gesucht: Trailer für Yngling

Dear all - I am looking to purchase, rent or borrow a Yngling trailer for this winter, latest by end of October 2024. I need it because the port in which my Yngling is in in Versoix will be dredged this winter, starting very early November. This means I need to find a place to keep my boat over the winter - which would normally stay in the water in the port. 

Details for the lovely boat are as follow below. Thanks so much in advance for your kind consideration.

All the very best
Fred Fulton Berrios

Name: FreeB
Age: 1982 
Wharf: Port Leman, Versoix, Canton Geneva
Sail number: SUI 131
Contact: / 079 708 3564

Gesucht: Abdeckung/Persenning für Yngling:

Dear all – I am looking for a new or (preferably) used boat cover for my beautiful Yngling (with dark blue hull). She brings great joy to me, and to many others! But her cover is really almost dead …  and needs replacement.
Details for the lovely boat as follow below. Thanks so much in advance for your kind consideration.
All the very best
Fred Fulton Berrios

Boat Details:

Name: FreeB
Age: 1982 
Wharf: Port Leman, Versoix, Canton Geneva
Sail number: SUI 131
Contact: / 079 708 3564

Yngling zu verkaufen

Borge Bringsvaerds Yngling von 1978, Zustand verhältnismässig gut, kein Trailer,

Standort Nid du Crô, Neuchâtel, Leider habe ich kein Messbrief.

Rico Gross-Segel 9 m2 neuwertig, Fock 5 m2.

Motor Torqueedo 1003 C, 2,1 kW ,langer Schaft, sehr wenig gabraucht, Motor wird seitlich befestigt.

Preisvostellung frs. 1900.-

 Zubehör : Persenning, Badeleiter, Anker, Sturmfock neu, 2 Schwimmvesten, etc.

Kontakt: Fred Breitler,